Friday, November 7, 2014

This week we had learning walks with the Learning Network Specialist. We saw many great practices going on in the classroom. Check out Ms. Mendoza's anchor charts and her students' mission statements:

Ms.Crook has a great rubric for setting expectations during DEAR time:

and a great formative assessment to gauge what students have learned:

Keep up the great work ladies! I cannot wait to see how you tackle our Formative Assessment Challenge. For the week of November 10-14, we will be using the same formative assessment piece as the blog did not get sent out to everyone last week. It is called 3-5-1 Multi-step Summarizer from Snow and Vance; just click the title on the left to open the link in a new window. It looks like this:

Finally, we had a fantastic Veteran's Day performance from our 5th graders! I caught these pictures at our evening performance:

Finally, I wanted to share some interesting research I read in the TEPSA Instructional Leader regarding the effects of poverty on children's brains. Check it our here: InstLeaderHome  It is one of the sample articles this week.

Waiver Day on November 10th promises to be very informative and a great opportunity to collaborate, and catch up, with your peers from other schools. 3-5 will be going over the Literacy re-design about which I am very excited.

Have a wonderful weekend!