Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A New School Year Is Almost Here

Summer vacation has flown by. I hope everyone has been able to relax and rejuvenate so we can hit the ground running in just 8 short days. As you prepare to return, I would like to offer a quick read that really ties in with our goals of increasing student engagement and building relationships. Please take time to read Cheryl Mizerny's article Reaching Every Student on SmartBlog (click the title).  It is full of great ideas and best practices that Master Teachers use to empower their students to achieve their best.
 As you reflect on the article, please share with your colleagues how you reach every student using  the comments section of the blog. 

I am looking forward to seeing you all again on August 17th and sharing all the things we have been working on over the summer. Together, we have the power to make this Rufino Mendoza Elementary's best year yet!

Mrs. Sanchez